Monday, August 28, 2006


With the stress and noise of production fading away in the quiet and calm of my own tree-shaded office I felt I had to briefly set the record straight on a couple of things.

I had fun posting about La Starlet's temper tantrum on the set but the fact is from that day on she was unassailably professional and hard working and turned in a brilliant performance and I will love her forever. I know that makes for a much less fun post, but there you are.

After Le Star's day of forgetting his lines and giving the appearance of being generally uncommitted he snapped into focus, kept the crew and all of us laughing at the toughest of times, and in the assembled film he is solid, charming and true in every moment. I can't wait to work with him again.

By the end of La International Star's last day she was not only no longer insisting on that special halo of light, she was being positively aggressive in charting an unpredictable and dyanamic path through the scene. It was all a matter of trust, like so many things.

Okay. End of boring post. Have a nice day.


Blogger Shannon said...

Let me be the first to say how genuinely excited I am for you in all facets of this endeavor.

I know how hard it can be just to make it through a day, much less a chaos induced day filled with the wants and needs of so many.

As I pound faithfully at my own keys in search of something I yearn to experience, I wait with baited breath for the finished reel so I can enjoy your directorial prowess.

8:19 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

The tendency for many (most) people to remember the good, and to forget the bad, keeps many of us going -- optimistic for tomorrow, and with a smile of our face.

9:05 PM  
Blogger Facets of V said...

Not boring at all Tom...

9:17 AM  
Blogger Jason Hesiak said...

I agree with V and disagree with you, Tom. Not boring, quite encouraging.

10:23 PM  

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