Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Of Proofs and Puddings

If I had any doubts as to whether the network liked the movie, they are at rest: as I was finishing my sound mix yesterday--the final step in making the film--I got an offer from the network to direct another movie, starting immediately. In fact, more than immediately: the director fell out, it's already in prep and starts shooting on November 27th. I went slightly and quietly insane with relief and was very happy as I finished the mix and waited for the script to be delivered.

Ah, but then the script came. Why is there always a catch?

It's an insanely shoddy script. Mumbo jumbo about coincidences and visits from the dead (WHY CAN'T THE DEAD STAY DEAD ON TELEVISION ANYMORE! IT'S A FUCKING PLAGUE OF SUPERNATURAL RETURN! SOMEBODY HAS TO NOTIFY THE FBI!). Plotting that can't find its way from A to B with a map and a flashlight. I'm up at 6 A.M. re-reading the script and seeing if there's any way I can make an edible dish out of it while racing through a three week prep, and I have to answer that question for myself before 9 A.M. which is when I have a conference call with the producers. They already know I have script issues. I'm going to raise them on the call. But the decision is in my hands: do I take it on or not?

The adventurer in me says NO. Stay open. Something cooler might--or might not!--be around the corner.

Stay tuned.


Blogger Shannon said...

At the risk of talking supernatural mumbo jumbo, the inner voice can be an interesting thing.

If your heart and head are telling you no, then maybe that's the answer. But a decision by nine... "Good grief Charlie Brown!"

7:17 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

And the decision is ???

4:18 PM  
Blogger Tom said...

One last phone call, which should happen in the next ten minutes, in which I tell the network what I need to change and then it's in their court to decide if they want to change it that much. The deal is that everybody at the network wept like babies when they read the script, but mine were so dry I needed Visine.

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on being desired! even if you decide against doing this film it must make you happy that they liked your work so much they didn't hesitate to ask you to save - er, direct their film.

btw - this is barista brat. blogger is acting up so i'm "anonymous" today.

5:29 PM  
Blogger Jason Hesiak said...

I'm tuned in and interested...and, again, you're funny ("why can't the dead say dead!").


5:50 PM  
Blogger Facets of V said...

I agree that programs seem to take one idea that does well and run it into the ground. Very frustrating viewing for someone not interested in that topic. But I am tickled to death for you about the new offer since you have said that such jobs are hard to come by right now. The rapid decision requirement is giving ME high blood pressure thinking about it, I can only imagine what it's doing to you. Still..WAY TO GO TOM!!!

6:43 PM  

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