Sunday, April 09, 2006

Created By

If you go to the Internet Movie Data Base you'll find a fair number of listings under my name. I've had "created by" credit on three network series. I've had my name in one way or another on 50 plus hours of television. The range in quality goes from please-don't-watch-it-awful to sort-of-fun-but-cheesy to not-too-bad-with-a-few-nice-moments. And at the end of the day all of it added up isn't worth five minutes of tonight's episode of The Sopranos.

And that's something that, as I sit down at my computer to get a couple of hours work in before bedtime, I know I just have to live with.


Blogger RJ March said...

I hear you.

You're genius in your own way, your own right, though. And who's to say you're not going to reach that level of greatness you've set for yourself?

6:09 AM  
Blogger Juanita said...

Tom, don't be so hard on yourself. The fact that you have any credits whatsoever is something to hang you hat on. Guess how many movie credits I have! ZERO. (Unfortunately, my life is feeling a bit like a made-for-TV movie right now, but that's beside the point.) How's this for a different perspective: Maybe your work will not be your most important legacy.

2:31 PM  
Blogger annabkrr said...

I second what Juanita said, but also relate to what you mean. I feel that way, too.

I didn't think much of that episode though. May be my crush on the show is ending or something, cuz I"m just not enjoying it very much so far.

I tuned into Big Love after the Sopranos, have you watched that yet? I usually turn over to Grey's Anatomy and don't catch BL, but with Grey's being a rerun I got to watch this weeks show. It's a strange concept, and made me wonder if people are really living like that and I saw that Tom Hanks produces Big Love.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

RJ--Thanks for the support. Every day when I sit down to work I try to forget limits and assume that all things are possible. I'm told by a Sopranos writer that David Chase agonizes horribly over every episode and has been known to drop his head into his hands in the middle of a session with his writers, groan in anguish and say "We have NOTHING!" That, too, is encouraging.

Juanita--If anybody comes to you for your TV movie rights, you better let me know so I can outbid them.

Anna--This season of The Sopranos is genius! There will be no arguments about that!

Cal--I'm glad you've found my blog. I'm not sure that I see the parallel as clearly as you do, as I'm not going through what you're going through, but yours is certainly a common situation out here in blogland, and anyway, aren't all our lives just different tellings of the same story?

2:58 PM  
Blogger Juanita said...

Oh boy, Tom, you could make a million off me. If only you knew...

7:49 PM  
Blogger Flip said...

Hey Tom,

We're all "between" things and people. No matter where we are. Professionally, right now you're "between" most of the rest of us who read your blog and whoever created the Sopranos.


9:46 AM  
Blogger Flip said...

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9:46 AM  
Blogger annabkrr said...

Tom! If you do not write me, er, I mean US, a post I am going to get in the mini and I'll be headed to California. Yes, I will be the one who talks like a hick and swears like a sailor. You won't like me when I'm angry, my friend! SOOOOOOOOOO........

6:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It could be worse, I'm sure you didn't writer "Glitter"

7:03 PM  

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